
Find-a-Medal service launched

Posted on: 13, June, 2020

On the 2nd June I announced that British Army Ancestors had launched a Find-a-Photo service. Today I am pleased to announce that a medals wanted service – Find-a-Medal  – has now also been launched. I see too that on the 2nd June the number of British Army soldier photos on this site stood at 84,000. […]


Find-a-Photo service launched

Posted on: 2, June, 2020

British Army Ancestors has launched a new Find-a-Photo service which aims to harness the powers of internet search to help users find photos of British soldiers. At the time of writing, there are just over 84,000 photos British Army photos that have been published on the British Army Ancestors website. Thousands more photos are published […]


VE Day – 75th Anniversary

Posted on: 8, May, 2020
1783540 Gunner Alfred Hayes, Royal Artillery

My father, born in April 1933, remembers travelling up to the West End with my grandparents to celebrate VE Day on the 8th May 1945. The journey would have been a quick one from their home in Stoke Newington and dad recalls people hanging from lamposts and waving flags; the spontaneous kissing of strangers, and […]


All will be well in time

Posted on: 24, April, 2020
Ernest William Noel Thomas

All will be well in Time tells the story of Ernest William Noel Thomas who was 19 years old when he enlisted in the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in 1915, and only 21 when he was killed in action some two years later. A trainee pharmacist at Boots the Chemist, he was typical of […]


The British Army in the 1911 Census

Posted on: 3, April, 2020
Oxfordhsire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry; India 1911

I have recently added over 130,000 records of British Army soldiers as they appeared in the 1911 Census. The bulk of the data, just over 113,000 records, concerns those men who were enumerated in overseas’ stations, whilst the balance of 17,000 records contains details of men who were stationed in Ireland. As I mention in […]


Sporting a “quiff”

Posted on: 13, March, 2020
sporting a quiff

“The soldier’s chief pride and glory in the early stages of his career seems to lie in his hair. We have all of us, no doubt, noted the peculiarly natty manner in which he is then wont to dress his locks, and, with his forage cap stuck jauntily on the side of his head, promenades […]


18th Manchester Regiment

Posted on: 2, February, 2020
XX Platoon, E Company, 18th Manchester Regiment

I love these group photos and this one is a very typical ‘Pals’ photo showing men of XX Platoon, E Company, 18th Manchester Regiment (3rd City Battalion). Uniforms were in short supply which is why they’re still in their civvies for this photo taken in late 1914 or early 1915. James Cush, 18th Manchester Regiment […]


C E Home Forces – Aldershot 1941

Posted on: 18, January, 2020
Royal Engineers, CE Home Forces 1941

I am informed by the helpful folk over at the  WW2Talk forum that the acronyms within the sentence, “Conference of C.E.S. and C.R.E.s held by C.E. Home Forces” mean that this was a conference of Chief Engineers (C.E.S) and Commanders, Royal Engineers (C.R.E.s). I bought the photograph on eBay for no reason other than I […]


1st Loyal North Lancashire Regiment – Boxing Team 1914

Posted on: 12, January, 2020
1st Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1914

There’s a lot more research needed on this photo which shows men of the 1st Loyal North Lancashire Regiment in 1914. The notes below are a work in progress, so do leave a comment on this post if you can identify any of the faces here. All of the uniformed men wear Boer War medal […]


Remembering Cyril Power, Harold Dobson, Bernard Salt

Posted on: 21, December, 2019
Cyril Power, Harold Dobson, Bernard Salt,

Every day on the British Army Ancestors Facebook page I take time to commemorate a British soldier. This post will look at three of the men I have remembered recently; from left to right, Cyril Power, Harold Dobson and Bernard Salt Cyril Power The man is Cyril Power and his details on British Army Ancestors […]

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There are over 11 million searchable names on the British Army Ancestors website. Searching is easy and fast. Use the wildcard asterisk * to narrow your results. REGISTER in order to upload photographs and download existing images. That's all there is to it. This website will be regularly updated and new features announced via the blog. Thanks for supporting this initiative to put faces to the names of our British Army Ancestors.



Do you own medal roll transcriptions from WO 100 or similar? I am seeking to plug known gaps in this database of British Army Ancestors by adding medal roll transcriptions and other databases to this site, thus adding to the 11m+ searchable names you will find here. Please drop me a line if you would like to contribute:

There are currently 106427 photos of British Army soldiers published on this website