
Saltley College Guard 1907

Posted on: 27, June, 2020
Saltley College Guard 1907

These men are from Saltley College Guard and they posed for this photograph in 1907. Saltley Church of England College was a college for teacher training and was latterly known as St Peter’s College. Originally the Worcester, Lichfield & Hereford Diocesan Training College, it was built in open countryside in 1852 around a quadrangle in the […]


The British Army in the 1911 Census

Posted on: 3, April, 2020
Oxfordhsire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry; India 1911

I have recently added over 130,000 records of British Army soldiers as they appeared in the 1911 Census. The bulk of the data, just over 113,000 records, concerns those men who were enumerated in overseas’ stations, whilst the balance of 17,000 records contains details of men who were stationed in Ireland. As I mention in […]


Sherwood Foresters cricketers 1908

Posted on: 1, January, 2018

This photograph of men of C Company, 1st Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, appeared in the Sherwood Foresters regimental annual for 1909. The regiment had taken the decision to publish a regimental annual in 1908 and, as noted in the foreword by Lt-General Smith-Dorrien, colonel of the regiment, this new publication followed on from the earlier “I’m […]


2nd Bn Rifle Brigade, Shahjahanpur 1907

Posted on: 8, October, 2017

Photos like this one of 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade officers at Shajahanpur in India in 1907 are great because they can be uploaded for multiple individuals. It took me, on average, between one and two minutes to find an officer, add the minimum required content, and upload. And I found every single man; that’s 16 […]

Welcome to British Army Ancestors. This is a FREE site. It will always be a FREE site. The vision is one of our vast army of British Army Ancestors brought to life. Search for a soldier. Upload a photograph. Search for another soldier. Upload another photograph. In time, it is intended that this site will become THE place to come to when looking for images of British Army Ancestors.

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SEARCH for a soldier. UPLOAD a photograph. REMEMBER the person. So many people asked me how they could find a photograph of their British Army Ancestor that I decided to create this site. Now it's up to you.Help make British Army Ancestors THE PLACE to come to when looking for photos of British Army soldiers. There are millions of searchable names on this site. Help me put faces to them. SEARCH, UPLOAD, REMEMBER.

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There are over 11 million searchable names on the British Army Ancestors website. Searching is easy and fast. Use the wildcard asterisk * to narrow your results. REGISTER in order to upload photographs and download existing images. That's all there is to it. This website will be regularly updated and new features announced via the blog. Thanks for supporting this initiative to put faces to the names of our British Army Ancestors.



Do you own medal roll transcriptions from WO 100 or similar? I am seeking to plug known gaps in this database of British Army Ancestors by adding medal roll transcriptions and other databases to this site, thus adding to the 11m+ searchable names you will find here. Please drop me a line if you would like to contribute:

Launched in 2017, British Army Ancestors is a FREE site with a simple aim: to find or add photographs of British Army soldiers.


These six different avatars that you will find in search results identify the approximate periods of service of the individuals concerned.


On this British Army Ancestors website you will find over 12m records which have been collated from many sources. Search the database to add a photo or search the database simply to discover which records are available. Clicking the dark blue links in search results will take you to original records or transcriptions which are owned by third party partners such as The National Archives or Findmypast where payment may be required. The data on this site currently covers the date range 1850 to 1947.

The avatars on this site are intended as a guide for you and represent the British soldier throughout history. For example, if the red-jacketed soldier appears in your search results, this is an indication that this man probably served between 1850 and 1902.

SEARCH for a soldier, UPLOAD a photograph, REMEMBER the individual. There are millions of searchable names on British Army Ancestors and thousands of photographs covering conflicts from the Crimean War to the Second World War. HUNDREDS of new photographs are being added every week. Have you found your British Army Ancestor yet?

There are over 12 million names on the British Army Ancestors website and searching is easy and fast. Use the wildcard asterisk * to focus your search results. Searching is free but you will need to REGISTER in order to upload photographs or download existing images.

This website is regularly updated and new features announced on the British Army Ancestors blog. Remember too to check out the British Army Ancestors Facebook page which features a different person every day.

In 2008 I launched my Army Service Numbers 1881-1918 blog and over the years I have helped hundreds (if not thousands) of military and family historians. I also carry out research. Drop me a line if you need help.

NOTE There is also a RESEARCH button against every returned result on this site. Click on this button to find out more about research services for individual soldiers.

There are currently 106427 photos of British Army soldiers published on this website